"Fear breads a deadening caution, a holding back, a stagnant waiting until people no longer can recall what they are waiting for or saving themselves for. When we fear failure more than we love life; when we are dominated by thoughts of what we might have been rather than by thoughts of what we might become; when we are haunted by the disparity between our ideal self and our real self; when we are tormented by guilt, shame, remorse, and self-condemnation, we deny our faith in the God of love." Brennan Manning

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Hold on

Hold on people. I've had little time over the last week to keep up with emails and the blog. My computer should be back in a week or two and that'll help out.
The new FOB is small but great. I miss the guys at Lashkar Gah but it has been refreshing to get a different view of the country.
The internet is a little faster here and I should be back in the blog and email groove soon.
We went out on a village medical outreach the other day and I think I'll get my hands on a few pics to load up.
Thanks to all of you on your comments etc. I love you see them. Lets me know you're acutally reading.
Anyway, more to come soon

1 comment:

Charlie Reuben said...

New digs? Lucky guy. Life in the "U" stays the same. If I hear any more Tractor or GA farm stories from CPT M I'm going to send him to the bad guys. I got amended orders today from 365 to 270 BOG. Think of it as an early Birthday gift.