"Fear breads a deadening caution, a holding back, a stagnant waiting until people no longer can recall what they are waiting for or saving themselves for. When we fear failure more than we love life; when we are dominated by thoughts of what we might have been rather than by thoughts of what we might become; when we are haunted by the disparity between our ideal self and our real self; when we are tormented by guilt, shame, remorse, and self-condemnation, we deny our faith in the God of love." Brennan Manning

Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's Over!!!!

Nope, not the war. We'll be here just like we are in Germany, Japan and Korea, for the long hall. No. I'm referring to the season of Ramadan, a season of fasting from 0400 to total darkness in the wee hours of the night, about 1930. This is supposed to be a season of reflection and preparation for Edes, Christmas on steroids if you will (in a 4th world country). The season really reminds me of Lent because its supposed to bring them closer to Muhammad and Allah. Tis also the season Muslims make their journey to Mecca. I saw part of the selection process in Lashkar Gah. Only a certain number of people can go from each area of Afghanistan. It looked kind of like a lottery, frankly but I'm betting there was a highest bidder to the Mullah (religious teacher) in there somewhere! Whatcha think?
Moving on......there was weapons fire galore last night. You name it, AKs, crew serve, tracer rounds, probably some IEDs for fun! This morning there were kids with little "fire crackers" across the road "exploding" them. Sounded more like an IED or mortar round to SGM and me. So be it. "Like father, like son." "Boys will be boys." "Raise them in the ways they should go...." and the like. Future insurgents....remind me to give a few more toys to those kids! "Here kid. Stay away from the Humvees with the super G on it! Look for the G, got it!"
So, the medical complaints of fatigue, headache and abdominal pain should go down. It amazes me during sick call how many of these guys come in at 1700, before dinner, complaining of headache and abdominal pain or just "not feeling well or better yet flu." "Well, when was the last time you ate, 0330? HMMM. No diarrhea or change in bowel movements? No nausea, vomiting? Just a tummy ache? Tired and weak? Just don't feel like you have any energy? Ya, no magic pills for that....Go eat and drink something and see if you feel better!" Next!
So, today is the start and the feasting continues for 3 days. Yeah! Let the waste of ammunition continue!

1 comment:

ENLIGHTEN LIFEgroup said...

Don't look up I here that what goes up must come down. Its raining lead... hallelujah (put the aforementioned raining lead phrase to the tune "it's raining men") sorry, but it is early in the AM and the coffee ain't kicked in yet.